The Exceptional Impact of Brilliant Company Cultures


Listen to the World-Renowned Thought Leader, Keynote Speaker and Award-Winning Entrepreneur – Therese Gedda

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Founders & C-Level Clients Served
100 +
Keynotes and Talks Delivered
300 +
Company Cultures Impacted

As Featured In

Culture Can Be Designed 
How Are You Designing and Scaling Your Company Culture? 

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Therese Gedda
Award-Winning Entrepreneur
and the Founder and CEO
of Reimaginez

Meet Therese Gedda, Founder and CEO of Reimaginez. She is an award-winning entrepreneur known for championing thriving high performance companies and cultures. Her vision is to transform company cultures from toxic or mediocre to thriving or even brilliant. For over 20 years, she has impacted more than 30,000+ companies worldwide.

Her entrepreneurial journey started when she founded a management consultancy firm at the age of 17. Today, Therese has been featured in CBS, NBC News, Fortune, Nasdaq, and VentureBeat.

Therese is a sought-after CEO Advisor and Executive Coach specifically for High Achievers. She has worked directly with over 1,000 founders, CEOs, and C-level clients over the years, often being referred to as “Yoda,” “Master Teacher,” and “Founder Therapist.”

As a professional speaker, Therese has toured over 10 countries as an invited Keynote Speaker, covering topics such as High Performance Culture, the Future of Work, and the High Achiever Mindset. Therese has been featured at invitation-only events in New York City, as well as exclusive events led by companies such as Apple, LVMH and Wealins. She has spoken at international conferences such as Inbound in Boston, where she appeared alongside Michelle Obama, Adam Grant, and Brené Brown. Other notable conferences include Viva Tech in Paris, the Volcano Innovation Summit in Guatemala, TEDx in Stockholm, Web Summit in Dublin, Davos Decompassion in Switzerland, and Renaissance Weekend in New York. She has also guest lectured at universities, including NYU, Stockholm School of Economics, the Royal Institute of Technology, the Stockholm School of Entrepreneurship, and Boston College. 

Therese has been recognized by the Nordic 100 List for her cultural and Future of Work efforts, naming her one of the most influential and impactful people from the Nordics. The list is equivalent to the ‘Forbes 30 under 30’ in the US. She has also been recognized by the SKAPA foundation via the Future Innovator Award, given in memory of Alfred Nobel. This award is one of the most prestigious of its kind, and the recipients are considered to be “Swedish Champions of Innovation.”

Her work continues to make a significant impact on the Future of Work, challenging conventional knowledge, and emphasizing the transformative power of purpose-centric high performance company cultures. Today, Therese continues to amplify the impact of Reimaginez, empowering high achieving leaders who are committed to positively challenging the status-quo.

Live on CBS — Reimaginez Founder and CEO Covers Trends on The Future of the Workplace

Reimagining what the workplace will look like in the future

As some companies have made their workers return to the office post-pandemic, others have settled into some sort of hybrid world. Therese Gedda, Founder and CEO of the company Reimaginez, has been advising CEOs for more than 20 years.

Manav Mehta 

PhD, Founder and CEO of Gel4Med Inc.

 Congratulations from the excellent presentation. 


So much energy and interaction through the presentation.

James York

Director of US Business & Innovation at Enterprise Estonia

Therése Gedda is one of those rare few who can create magic in any room she steps into. Immediately engaging, accessible, and sincere she captivates the attention of her audience and doesn’t let go until they have all experienced the catharsis that comes from experiencing an “aha!” moment that moves you to your core.


Therése is highly driven, exceptionally smart, and talented at navigating the nuances of people and culture. If your company or organization is lucky enough to be able to work with her, or has the opportunity for her to come to speak at your event, don’t miss out! Your people, and your company’s financial and cultural growth will thank you!


Explore Therese’s Most Requested and Popular Talks

These keynotes can be delivered in person or virtually. They can also be delivered as interactive workshops

The Exceptional Impact of a Brilliant Culture – Curating High Performance Company Cultures Where High Achievers Thrive

High Achievers outperform the average worker by 14% in productivity, 18% in sales, and 23% in profitability, according to research. However, research shows that 8 out of 10 employees worldwide are not engaged in their work, leaving only 2 of 10 involved in and enthusiastic about what they do. This is a wake-up call for founders and leaders as culture impacts everything from productivity, engagement, and customer loyalty to the speed of innovation, retention of talent, growth, and, of course, profitability. It’s time to reimagine the workplace, starting with a culture where people thrive. 

The Exceptional Impact of a Brilliant Culture – Curating High Performance Company Cultures Where High Achievers Thrive

High Achievers outperform the average worker by 14% in productivity, 18% in sales, and 23% in profitability, according to research. However, research shows that 8 out of 10 employees worldwide are not engaged in their work, leaving only 2 of 10 involved in and enthusiastic about what they do. This is a wake-up call for founders and leaders as culture impacts everything from productivity, engagement, and customer loyalty to the speed of innovation, retention of talent, growth, and, of course, profitability. It’s time to reimagine the workplace, starting with a culture where people thrive. 

Culture as Your Silver Bullet – Designing and Scaling High Performing Company Cultures as a Founder and Leader

Culturally-driven companies have 18% more revenue per employee than the average. And having a thriving culture is a choice — one that can be made intentionally. As the saying goes, “culture eats strategy for breakfast,” so how do you keep your people and culture on track while doubling or tripling your company every 12 months? 

Culture as Your Silver Bullet – Designing and Scaling High Performing Company Cultures as a Founder and Leader

Culturally-driven companies have 18% more revenue per employee than the average. And having a thriving culture is a choice — one that can be made intentionally. As the saying goes, “culture eats strategy for breakfast,” so how do you keep your people and culture on track while doubling or tripling your company every 12 months? 

The High Achiever Culture – Strategically Leading, Investing in, and Championing Your High Achievers

High Achievers thrive alongside fellow High Achievers, and they attract each other. They are looking for the freedom to perform and thrive in deep alignment with your company’s vision. However, a lack of leadership capabilities costs U.S. corporations up to $550 billion annually, according to research. In many companies where the 9-to-5 factory model still continues, the mentality that every hour carries the same value is still very persistent. However, most employees no longer work in a factory environment, and it’s been proven that using old models in modern companies leads to old results. It’s time to reimagine the workplace in the age of High Achievers. 

The High Achiever Culture – Strategically Leading, Investing in, and Championing Your High Achievers

High Achievers thrive alongside fellow High Achievers, and they attract each other. They are looking for the freedom to perform and thrive in deep alignment with your company’s vision. However, a lack of leadership capabilities costs U.S. corporations up to $550 billion annually, according to research. In many companies where the 9-to-5 factory model still continues, the mentality that every hour carries the same value is still very persistent. However, most employees no longer work in a factory environment, and it’s been proven that using old models in modern companies leads to old results. It’s time to reimagine the workplace in the age of High Achievers.

Growing and Magnifying Your Dream Teams – Creating a Thriving Future with Culture-Based Recruitment

High Achievers outperform the average worker by 14% in productivity, 18% in sales, and 23% in profitability, according to research. These High Achievers care deeply about your company’s success and together achieve the majority of your positive results. Investing in and nurturing High Achievers is essential for elevating and amplifying your company’s performance and competitiveness.

Growing and Magnifying Your Dream Teams – Creating a Thriving Future with Culture-Based Recruitment

High Achievers outperform the average worker by 14% in productivity, 18% in sales, and 23% in profitability, according to research. These High Achievers care deeply about your company’s success and together achieve the majority of your positive results. They thrive alongside fellow High Achievers, and they attract each other, which can be a game-changer for your company. Today’s High Achievers are increasingly driven by purpose, the desire to excel, and the opportunity to contribute. They seek impact and greatness and look for companies with values that align with their own. So, how do you attract them?

Brilliance Reimagined — The CEO-Centric Approach

Imagine what it feels like to be a CEO… one way of capturing the experience is the sensation of driving a Formula 1 car, where split-second decisions can make or break the race, all while playing chess with 8 people simultaneously, each move strategically impacting the outcome of each game. In the fast-paced world of business, establishing a people and purpose-driven culture is not just beneficial – it’s essential. However, to truly excel, this culture can seamlessly embrace the CEO-Centric approach. Whether you are a leader or a team member, embracing this perspective will elevate and amplify your impact. 

Brilliance Reimagined — The CEO-Centric Approach

Imagine what it feels like to be a CEO… one way of capturing the experience is the sensation of driving a Formula 1 car, where split-second decisions can make or break the race, all while playing chess with 8 people simultaneously, each move strategically impacting the outcome of each game. In the fast-paced world of business, establishing a people and purpose-driven culture is not just beneficial – it’s essential. However, to truly excel, this culture can seamlessly embrace the CEO-Centric approach. Whether you are a leader or a team member, embracing this perspective will elevate and amplify your impact. 

Lifestyle Design in Action – Living a life with Purpose, Achievement, Fulfillment, Impact, and Contribution

Whether you’re a founder, a seasoned professional, an aspiring entrepreneur, or generally looking to elevate your performance, tapping into Lifestyle Design can help you amplify your impact and thrive in all areas of your life. By designing a life that reflects your values and goals, you can make a meaningful difference in the world and live a life of significance. We invite you to embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth, where you’ll learn how to tap into your brilliance and achieve extraordinary results.

Lifestyle Design in Action – Living a life with Purpose, Achievement, Fulfillment, Impact, and Contribution

Whether you’re a founder, a seasoned professional, an aspiring entrepreneur, or generally looking to elevate your performance, tapping into Lifestyle Design can help you amplify your impact and thrive in all areas of your life. By designing a life that reflects your values and goals, you can make a meaningful difference in the world and live a life of significance. We invite you to embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth, where you’ll learn how to tap into your brilliance and achieve extraordinary results.

MAPPED Brilliance – Achieve Greatness and Amplify Impact with the High Achiever Mindset

What sets High Achievers apart, enabling them to continuously achieve the seemingly impossible? How do they challenge the status quo so effectively? How do they effortlessly amplify their impact? It all starts with recognizing the power of fully embracing the High Achieving Mindset. 

MAPPED Brilliance – Achieve Greatness and Amplify Impact with the High Achiever Mindset

What sets High Achievers apart, enabling them to continuously achieve the seemingly impossible? How do they challenge the status quo so effectively? How do they effortlessly amplify their impact? It all starts with recognizing the power of fully embracing the High Achieving Mindset. 

Reimagining The Human Potential – Imagining a World of Light

Imagine a world where every conversation sparks inspiration, where each interaction brings light and warmth, shaping a future of limitless opportunity. Join us on a journey of limitless potential. It’s a world where all it takes is a simple willingness – a willingness to see the good, the extraordinary in every moment, allowing yourself and those around you to thrive. This journey begins with the transformative act of imagining what the future can be from a place of light and wonder

Reimagining The Human Potential – Imagining a World of Light

Imagine a world where every conversation sparks inspiration, where each interaction brings light and warmth, shaping a future of limitless opportunity. Join us on a journey of limitless potential. It’s a world where all it takes is a simple willingness – a willingness to see the good, the extraordinary in every moment, allowing yourself and those around you to thrive. This journey begins with the transformative act of imagining what the future can be from a place of light and wonder

The Unconventional Path – A Trailblazer's Path to Brilliance

Are you ready to break free from traditional paths and embrace the limitless possibilities of entrepreneurship? Join us on a journey of discovery as we explore the unconventional path to success. Learn from Therese’s unconventional journey and discover that there is not just one way to be a successful founder or entrepreneur.

The Unconventional Path – A Trailblazer's Path to Brilliance

Are you ready to break free from traditional paths and embrace the limitless possibilities of entrepreneurship? Join us on a journey of discovery as we explore the unconventional path to success. Learn from Therese’s unconventional journey and discover that there is not just one way to be a successful founder or entrepreneur.

Amanda Evans


Therése is a fantastic entrepreneurial speaker and CEO advisor who shakes the sky. With almost two decades of experience, she has an excellent understanding of how to design and scale a thriving company culture and how to peak performance as a leader and high achiever.


On every occasion, the audience left on cloud nine, empowered to challenge the status quo and make a big impact in their businesses, careers, and lives

Stefan Engeseth

Guest Professor and Author

Therese is an extraordinary entrepreneur and international motivational speaker. A conductor of energy and magnetism, she engages audiences through her passionate performances, providing audiences with immediate and actionable insights

Combining her background in elite fitness and her extensive professional experience, Therese has motivated people all over the world to reach their goals in both their personal and professional lives.

Recognized Around the World

We believe in Empowering Purpose-Driven Founders and Leaders to Building High Performance Thriving Companies​

Highly Customized Delivery for Outstanding Impact

All talks and workshops are customized and centered on the client’s vision, goals, and context to ensure a lasting impact.


Science meets Vision

Therese’s talks are founded on a unique combination of scientific research, working hands-on with companies globally, and a visionary mindset. She is a world-renowned thought leader on the Future of Work and Company Culture. Therese and her team support companies in North America and Europe by reimagining their workplaces through proprietary futuristic models and frameworks. Her insights go beyond industries, roles, and career stages.


A Multi-Talented Speaker

Therese has the unique ability to deliver keynote speeches from 15 to 60 minutes and workshops for up to 8 hours at a time. Having worked with transformative change for 20+ years, another talent of hers is one-on-one executive coaching sessions.

From 5 to 5,000 people

Leading with a giving mindset, Therese is able to build strong connections with audiences of all sizes. Regardless if it’s five executives in the boardroom, 100 thought-leaders at an invitation-only event or 5,000 professionals at a large conference or a virtual event, Therese is able to engage and inspire all. 


Putting the Audience at the Center

Therese is focused on maximizing the impact of well-designed cultures and the well-being and performance of high achievers. Therese prioritizes being available for speaker dinners, meeting and interacting with audience members personally, and recording a short video before the event to promote it internally and/or externally.


Leading with Charisma and Warmth

Therese has founded her companies around the purpose of empowering individuals to reach their full potential. She brings the same determination to every audience she meets while sharing science-based findings, compelling stories, and breakthrough insights from her vast experience. 

Watch Short Clips from Therese’s Talks

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Milla Ottosson Sippola

Head of Events at The Swedish Federation of Business Owners Nacka

Fantastic performance – Therése contributed greatly to a successful day!


Therése definitely lives as she learns and as the High Achiever. She provides a unique futuristic, and actionable perspective on Business Culture and Workplace Engagement founded upon extremely insightful models that truly change the status quo. 

Jakob Persson

Co-founder and CTO at NodeOne

Highly driven, goal-focused and with an extraordinary degree of commitment.


count her among the most inspirational and brilliant people I have the fortune to know.

Want to Learn More About Designing High Performance Cultures?  

Welcome to Reimaginez

We are so glad you’re here
We can’t wait to talk to you about high performance thriving cultures


The Exceptional Impact of a Brilliant Culture
Curating High Performance Company Cultures Where High Achievers Thrive

The Future of Work and Company Culture

High Achievers outperform the average worker by 14% in productivity, 18% in sales, and 23% in profitability, according to research. However, research shows that 8 out of 10 employees worldwide are not engaged in their work, leaving only 2 of 10 involved in and enthusiastic about what they do. This is a wake-up call for founders and leaders as culture impacts everything from productivity, engagement, and customer loyalty to the speed of innovation, retention of talent, growth, and, of course, profitability. It’s time to reimagine the workplace, starting with a culture where people thrive. 


Combining 20 years of experience as a founder, Future of Work Expert, and CEO of Reimaginez, Therese Gedda has impacted over 30,000 company cultures and worked with 1,000+ founders, CEOs, and investors worldwide. She has extensive experience and a deep understanding of human-centric leadership; she guides audiences toward embracing a visionary approach that fosters growth and innovation. 

Through Therese’s work in helping companies to thrive, she has developed actionable and scalable frameworks and methods for championing High Achievers. Two of these frameworks include The High Achieving Culture Model™ and the Futuristic Leadership Framework™, which are focused on building and scaling people and purpose-centric cultures successfully. 

While technology is often the focus within the Future of Work today, championing a purpose-first mindset is the key to promoting a lasting and transformative change in the workplace. The time has come for modern companies to leave old and ineffective methods like factory-based micro-management behind and embrace a more visionary approach – An approach that is based on a people and purpose-centric philosophy that understands the needs and wants of the High Achievers of today and the High Potentials of tomorrow. 

Through this keynote, you will learn strategies for effectively championing your best people, removing toxicity, and amplifying your impact by designing and scaling thriving high performance companies and cultures.


Culture as Your Silver Bullet
Designing and Scaling High Performing Company Cultures as a Founder and Leader

The Future of Work and Company Culture

Culturally-driven companies have 18% more revenue per employee than the average. And having a thriving culture is a choice — one that can be made intentionally. As the saying goes, “culture eats strategy for breakfast,” so how do you keep your people and culture on track while doubling or tripling your company every 12 months? 


Combining 20 years of experience as an award-winning founder, CEO of Reimaginez, and Cultural Expert, Therese Gedda has developed actionable and scalable frameworks and methods to successfully build and scale people and purpose-centric cultures. Some frameworks include the High Achieving Culture Model™ and the Futuristic Leadership Framework™, supporting companies to thrive by empowering their High Achievers. She has impacted 30,000+ cultures and worked with 1,000+ founders, CEOs, and investors, who often refer to her as “Master Teacher,” “Founder Therapist,” and “Yoda.” 

Why focus on culture while you are growing so quickly and already have a million things on your plate? Because culture is your silver bullet – the glue that holds everything together. It is a way to align people with shared values to support each other in overcoming challenges and achieving ambitious goals in an efficient and meaningful way. It impacts everything from productivity, engagement, and customer loyalty to talent retention, speed of innovation, growth, and, of course, profitability. 

The fact is that if you are not actively investing in your culture, you are at risk of ending up with a mediocre culture or, even worse, a toxic one. By intentionally designing a thriving people and purpose-centric culture, you can successfully scale your company even during hyper-growth. 

In this keynote, you will learn how to align your people around your vision, effectively champion your best people, remove toxicity, and amplify your impact by designing and scaling a high performing culture. Through her wisdom, Therese will unveil the magic behind  tapping into what a brilliant culture can amplify ensuring your company not only survives but thrives amid rapid expansion and beyond.


The High Achiever Culture

Strategically Leading, Investing in, and Championing Your High Achievers

The Future of Work and Company Culture

High Achievers thrive alongside fellow High Achievers, and they attract each other. They are looking for the freedom to perform and thrive in deep alignment with your company’s vision. However, a lack of leadership capabilities costs U.S. corporations up to $550 billion annually, according to research. In many companies where the 9-to-5 factory model still continues, the mentality that every hour carries the same value is still very persistent. However, most employees no longer work in a factory environment, and it’s been proven that using old models in modern companies leads to old results. It’s time to reimagine the workplace in the age of High Achievers. 


Combining 20 years of experience as a CEO Advisor, founder, and CEO of Reimaginez, Therese Gedda has impacted over 30,000 company cultures and worked with 1,000+ founders, CEOs, and investors worldwide. Through her work supporting companies to thrive, she has developed actionable and scalable frameworks and methods for championing High Achievers. Two of these frameworks include the High Achieving Culture Model™ and the Futuristic Leadership Framework™, which are specifically designed to build and scale people—and purpose-centric cultures successfully. 

During times of uncertainty, there’s never been a more important moment to prioritize and invest in  a thriving culture, efficient processes, and impactful leadership for high performers. These elements are essential for maintaining competitiveness and ensuring long-term success. Instead of archaic, factory-based micromanagement models that drive away High Achievers, you can truly support your stars by embracing a more modern leadership approach. We call it Futuristic Leadership, and it is designed to attract and keep the highest performers today and tomorrow. Investing in cultural and behavioral design is part of the solution, but so is investing in your leaders. 

In this keynote, you will learn how to elevate your culture by empowering your current leaders, developing and leading your High Achievers, boosting their performance, and helping them thrive through the leadership philosophies of tomorrow


Growing and Magnifying Your Dream Teams
Creating a Thriving Future with Culture-Based Recruitment 

The Future of Work and Company Culture

High Achievers outperform the average worker by 14% in productivity, 18% in sales, and 23% in profitability, according to research. These High Achievers care deeply about your company’s success and together achieve the majority of your positive results. Investing in and nurturing High Achievers is essential for elevating and amplifying your company’s performance and competitiveness.


They thrive alongside fellow High Achievers, and they attract each other, which can be a game-changer for your company. Today’s High Achievers are increasingly driven by purpose, the desire to thrive, and the opportunity to amplify impact. They seek impact and greatness and look for companies with values that align with their own. So, how do you attract them? 

Combining 20 years of experience as a CEO Advisor, founder, and CEO of Reimaginez, Therese Gedda has positively impacted 30,000+ company cultures and worked with 1,000+ founders, CEOs, and investors worldwide. Through her work in helping these companies to thrive, she has developed several actionable and scalable frameworks and methods for championing High Achievers. Two of these frameworks include the High Achieving Culture Model™ and The People and Purpose Centric Recruit on Culture Framework™, which are specifically designed to grow and scale people and purpose-centric cultures successfully. 

Curating a people and purpose-driven culture is the bedrock of a thriving company. However, without scalable and future-oriented methods for systematically attracting and keeping High Achievers who share the same values and mindset as your company, you risk ending up with low engagement across the company and with your best people leaving. Or even worse, attracting toxicity into your company, jeopardizing everything you have built. 

In this keynote, you will learn how to approach recruitment based on a framework focused on values and mindset first, identifying people with untapped potential and talent, and attracting value-aligned and high performing individuals to your company. 


Brilliance Reimagined
The CEO-Centric Approach

The Future of Work and Company Culture

Imagine what it feels like to be a CEO… one way of capturing the experience is the sensation of driving a Formula 1 car, where split-second decisions can make or break the race, all while playing chess with 8 people simultaneously, each move strategically impacting the outcome of each game. In the fast-paced world of business, establishing a people and purpose-driven culture is not just beneficial – it’s essential. However, to truly excel, this culture can seamlessly embrace the CEO-Centric approach. Whether you are a leader or a team member, embracing this perspective will elevate and amplify your impact. 


Combining 20 years of experience as a CEO Advisor, an award-winning Founder, and CEO of Reimaginez, Therese Gedda has developed actionable and scalable frameworks and methods to successfully build and scale people and purpose-centric cultures. Supporting companies to thrive by empowering their High Achievers, some of her frameworks include the CEO-Centric Framework™ and the Futuristic Leadership Framework™. She has impacted over 30,000 cultures and worked with 1,000+ founders, CEOs, and investors, who often refer to her as “Master Teacher,” “Founder Therapist,” and “Yoda.” 

Creating a people and purpose-driven culture, integrating the CEO-Centric approach is the foundation of a thriving, high performing company culture. However, without scalable and future-oriented methods to attract and retain High Achievers who align with your company’s values and mindset, you risk experiencing low engagement, and losing your top talent. Worse yet, you might inadvertently invite toxicity into your company, putting everything you’ve worked for at risk.


The CEO-Centric Approach, tailored for leaders and team members, offers a transformative exploration into the world of CEOs and how understanding their perspective can elevate your performance, and your approach to building high performing, thriving cultures. By utilizing this approach, you will be able to add subtitles to the conversation, making it easier for every team member to align their perspectives and purpose.



Lifestyle Design in Action 

Living a life with Purpose, Achievement, Fulfillment, Impact, and Contribution

High Achievers and Mindset

Whether you’re a founder, a seasoned professional, an aspiring entrepreneur, or generally looking to elevate your performance, tapping into Lifestyle Design can help you amplify your impact and thrive in all areas of your life. By designing a life that reflects your values and goals, you can make a meaningful difference in the world and live a life of significance. We invite you to embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth, where you’ll learn how to tap into your brilliance and achieve extraordinary results.

For over two decades, Therese Gedda has been designing and scaling thriving company cultures. She has worked directly with 1,000+ founders, CEOs, and executives over the years, and she is often referred to as “Yoda,” “Master Teacher,” and “Founder Therapist” by founders and CEOs. As an award-winning entrepreneur and the founder and CEO of Reimaginez, she’s inspired tens of thousands of people worldwide and has been recognized in, NBC News, CBS, Fortune, Nasdaq, and VentureBeat. Therese has also been named by the Nordic 100 as one of the most influential and impactful entrepreneurs from the Nordics and received the Future Innovator Award given in memory of Alfred Nobel

Embracing an advanced Lifestyle Design can truly elevate both your performance and well-being. This process involves empowering yourself to step outside your comfort zone by deepening your awareness about values, work style, and natural rhythm. successfully empowering yourself is about moving away from generic philosophies of work-life balance and “one size fits all” concepts to a personalized approach. Advanced Lifestyle Design recognizes that when you are in flow, you are unstoppable; when you are at your most creative, you come up with groundbreaking ideas; and when you thrive, you achieve greatness. By embracing this approach, you can unlock your potential and amplify your impact.

In this keynote, you will be invited to explore how to lead yourself and others, to let purpose influence your goals, your goals guide your plans, your plans design your habits, your habits empower your thoughts, and your thoughts amplify your impact – explore the power of value-based Lifestyle Design and experience greater fulfillment, direction, and achievement. 

As you design your life to support your goals, you’ll witness a remarkable transformation. This lifestyle will not only shape your projects but also cultivate a mindset of excellence and resilience. Through this experience, you’ll live and share a profound shift in how you lead yourself and others.


MAPPED Brilliance
Achieve Greatness and Amplify Impact with the High Achiever Mindset

High Achievers and Mindset

What sets High Achievers apart, enabling them to continuously achieve the seemingly impossible? How do they challenge the status quo so effectively? How do they effortlessly amplify their impact? It all starts with recognizing the power of fully embracing the High Achieving Mindset. 

For over two decades, Therese Gedda has worked directly with 1,000+ founders, CEOs, and investors, who often refer to her as “Yoda,” “Master Teacher,” and “Founder Therapist.” She has developed actionable and scalable frameworks and methods to help High Achievers thrive in their own paths, including MAPPED Brilliance™ and Advanced Lifestyle Design™. As an award-winning entrepreneur and founder and CEO of Reimaginez, she has been recognized in NBC News, CBS, Fortune, Nasdaq, and VentureBeat. Therese has also been named by the Nordic 100 as one of the most influential and impactful entrepreneurs from the Nordics and received the Future Innovator Award, given in memory of Alfred Nobel.

Having a North Star guiding your path is just the beginning. True greatness requires a relentless pursuit of excellence, a willingness to step outside your comfort zone, and the courage to challenge the status quo. High Achievers understand that settling is the enemy of progress; they embrace discomfort as a sign of growth and opportunity. When faced with doubt, they lean into their High Achiever Mindset, using it as a source of strength and resilience.

Through this keynote, you’ll learn how to tap into your brilliance, fueling forward momentum through a sense of achievement. Therese will invite you to design an environment perfectly aligned with your values and goals, enabling you to thrive while achieving the seemingly impossible. It’s not just about success; it’s about achieving greatness on your terms. With her as your guide, you’ll start to unlock the magic that will help you unleash your full potential and seize the opportunities that await.


Reimagining The Human Potential
Imagining a World of Light

High Achiever and Mindset

Imagine a world where every conversation sparks inspiration, where each interaction brings light and warmth, shaping a future of limitless opportunity. Join us on a journey of limitless potential. It’s a world where all it takes is a simple willingness – a willingness to see the good, the extraordinary in every moment, allowing yourself and those around you to thrive. This journey begins with the transformative act of imagining what the future can be from a place of light and wonder


For over two decades, Therese Gedda has led a unique path. She has experienced a world where possibilities are endless. From the age of 17, she has dedicated her life to designing and scaling thriving companies. She has worked directly with 1,000+ founders, CEOs, and executives over the years, who often refer to her as “Yoda,” “Master Teacher,” and “Founder Therapist.” 

As an award-winning entrepreneur and the Founder and CEO of Reimaginez, she’s inspired tens of thousands of people worldwide and has been recognized in NBC News, CBS, Fortune, Nasdaq, and VentureBeat. Therese has also been named by the Nordic 100 as one of the most influential and impactful entrepreneurs from the Nordics and received the Future Innovator Award given in memory of Alfred Nobel. 


In this inspiring talk, you will explore how to cultivate joy, achievement, and a sense of belonging in your life, contributing to a world where you live a life of significance, and fulfillment is abundant. It is a call to envision a future where every individual has the power to shape their destiny. It is about reimagining the possibilities that lie ahead and challenging the status quo to create a world where thriving, high performance living is possible. Join us as we explore the power of purpose and the potential it holds to transform our world.

The Unconventional Path

 A Trailblazer’s Path to Brilliance

Founders and Entrepreneurship

Are you ready to break free from traditional paths and embrace the limitless possibilities of entrepreneurship? Join us on a journey of discovery as we explore the unconventional path to success. Learn from Therese’s unconventional journey and discover that there is not just one way to be a successful founder or entrepreneur.


Imagine a life where it is possible to experience a deep sense of achievement every day, even amidst chaos. One where it is possible to live a designed life guided by purpose and values, rather than following traditional pre-decided paths (that may or may not align with you). Just as there are infinite definitions of success and fulfillment, there are countless pathways to greatness, each ready to be crafted and embraced as your own.

For over two decades, Therese Gedda has led an unconventional path. Since she was 17, she has dedicated her life to designing and scaling thriving company cultures. She has worked directly with 1,000+ founders, CEOs, and executives over the years, who often refer to her as “Yoda,” “Master Teacher,” and “Founder Therapist.” 

As an award-winning entrepreneur and the founder and CEO of Reimaginez, she’s inspired tens of thousands of people worldwide and has been recognized in NBC News, CBS, Fortune, Nasdaq, and VentureBeat. Therese has also been named by the Nordic 100 as one of the most influential and impactful entrepreneurs from the Nordics and received the Future Innovator Award given in memory of Alfred Nobel. 

In this keynote, you’ll redefine limitations as stepping stones to success and achievement. Embracing the entrepreneurial mindset, you’ll uncover the limitless potential of entrepreneurship, presenting lifelong opportunities for learning and impactful change, and empowering you to thrive throughout your journey of greatness. You will also learn how to apply Therese’s proprietary MAPPED Brilliance framework for embracing opportunities, going beyond fear, and pursuing the goals that truly matter to you. In short, “Strive for excellence, work hard, and trust the process.” 

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